03 June, 2020

Herero War - German See Battalion Comparisons

I have 15mm See Battalion Germans from three different companies, those being Old Glory 15s, Blue Moon, and JTFM, but I have not yet pulled them together for some comparison pictures.  I probably like the Blue Moon figures the most, because their posting reminds me of the Old Glory 25s I used to have, but the quality of the JTFM figures are nice, even if the range is rather limited.

So, this post is simply a few pictures to give the readership an idea of the sizing differences between the three manufacturers.  I hope the pictures tell the story.  For me, using individually mounted figures, some slight sizing differences is not a huge deal.  It is when the weapons are not consistent from one brand to another where I have a difficult mixing, or when the figures are just so obviously different in scale/size, like Lancashire...those are monsters!

left to right: JTFM, Blue Moon, Old Glory 15s

left to right: JTFM (x2), Blue Moon (x2), Old Glory 15s (x2)

From a quality point of view, the JTFM are a cleaner casting, with proportions, especially weapons, being the best, followed closely by Blue Moon, and Old Glory 15s last.  But the Old Glory 15s are still fairly decent figures, although they have less heft than the other two ranges.  I would not hesitate to blend JTFM and Blue Moon together, but not the Old Glory 15s as they look a little frail.  

02 June, 2020

Gotta Love the Spammers

It is always interesting to see where the blog viewers reside.  In many cases, the countries make sense - the United States because of the number of gamers and the fact I post about updates on a mostly American gaming site, the United Kingdom because of the number of folks who are also on that gaming site, Germany because the blog is indeed about German colonial gaming after all, and a few other countries like France because the Der Wind und der Löwe project has a multi-country aspect.  But some of the countries crack me up.  I mean, I understand the Russian count - they are trying to influence my gaming choices.  But Ukraine?  Indonesia?  Singapore?  Maybe there are a bevy of Ukrainian women or Asian ladies just dying to find love (don't tell my wonderful wife that Olga is chasing me).  I am actually sad that the Nigerian Oil Minister has not made his presence known.  I could always use 4.7M dollars!

I also find it interesting when bloggers will brag about the number of views they receive, because they most likely are not filtering out the crap views that inflate their numbers.  According to Blogger, I have over 25K views.  It is more likely half of that when looking at the "legit" countries.  

I know, a goofy post, but I thought others might find it amusing!
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